Gluten Free Paleo Recipes

First, it eliminates gluten

The Gluten is a substance found in wheat, rye, oats and barley, ie, breads, cookies, pasta and cakes.

The “Paleo CookBooK” said: When consume such foods, gluten adhere to the intestinal walls and will block the bowel function by preventing the absorption of many vitamins and minerals, hormones and precursors important neurotransmitters such as serotonin (happiness and well-being)

The food usually take 18 hours of chewing up the elimination through the rectum. Gluten with food takes 26 hours. Retaining consumed in excess will increasingly toxins in the body and promoting dysbiosis, which is the alteration of the normal flora and fermentation and fluid retention, which may occur a number of diseases.

The first symptoms are food intolerance, abdominal discomfort, gas and fluid retention.

- Obesity: With the slow metabolism does not properly process food resulting in the accumulation of abdominal fat.
- Low immunity: affects the immune system favoring autoimmune diseases.
- Poisoning and migraine: the stagnant metabolism hinders the elimination of toxins increasing the risk of diseases such as headaches and migraines.
- Sugar: How Gluten is allied sugar, calcium kidnapper, increase the risk of osteoporosis, tooth decay, teeth grinding, insomnia, hypertension and high cholesterol.
When we cut the consumption of foods that contain gluten, automatically've noticed improvement in symptoms.
I suppose you're wondering, how will get run out of the famous roll, right? You can be sure it will not be that difficult. Of course, that all change causes an odd and even discomfort, but it is a matter of habit.
In Paleo cookbook, do not enter any kind of grains and cereals, but today I will put some options these foods without gluten, it has many people who are beginning to change habits now. And we know that habit change is a slow process, so it can be lasting.
Today, we already find many products in the gluten-free market, even the famous buns, cookies and cakes. Take a look at what we can replace:

- Tapioca
- Flour biscuit without gluten and sugar free
- Boiled cassava, yams, taro, sweet potato and manioc
- Flakes of quinoa and corn
- Potato starch, rice or cassava
- Cassava flour, rice, corn, almond
- Maize starch
- Cornmeal
- Arrowroot
- Sweet and sour Polvilho
- Quinoa tabbouleh to, quiebe, salads, soups, etc.
- Rice flakes

Just because these foods are gluten free we should abuse. And the idea is, when you're ready, take out all the diet of grains to see the full benefits of paleo diet. Let's start with the wheat.
Then tell me how was the experience of gluten withdrawal !!

Gluten may be to blame their problems

Gluten intolerance is much more common than we think. Even without celiac disease people can give feedback of the intestinal immune system because of gluten. Today paleo cookbook doctors who believe that between 30 and 50% of the population has an intolerance to gluten.
It has some of the following symptoms? It is likely to be sensitive to gluten.

- Digestive problems, gastrointestinal discomfort such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain

- Fatigue, mental confusion or feeling tired
- Headaches or migraines
- Hormonal imbalances such as PMS, polycystic ovary syndrome or unexplained infertility
- Diagnosing an autoimmune disease, such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, lupus, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis or systemic scleroderma
- Inflammation, swelling or pain in the joints, such as fingers, knees or hips
- Mood problems such as depression, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating
- keratosis pilaris (known as "creep") appearance of rough bumps on the skin at the top of the arms

If you have any of these symptoms, the best way to test if it is because gluten is doing an elimination diet. Would have to eliminate all products containing gluten such as wheat, barley, rye, and oats at least 3 weeks. Heads Up! I'm telling elimination TOTAL, or even think of touching gluten, or cook in the same pan, because even a small amount can cause an inflammatory reaction. Think so, "reduce" the amount of gluten equals a person to say "I'm a little pregnant." No! Or you this or not!

After these three weeks reintroduce gluten in your diet and see if the symptoms return. If they come back you know who is to blame!

Then tell me how was that experience ...
